E. E. Overton
Forest Products in the Great State of Washington Since 1892
E. E. Overton
Forest Products in the Great State of Washington Since 1892
Eugene Edwin Overton moved to Seattle in 1889. He was employed as a accountant at the Stimson Mill Co. owned by his sister Harriet's husband, C. D. Stimson. Three years later he branched out on his own and started a shingle mill on Salmon Bay in Ballard, WA. He ran E. E. Overton Shingle Co. until 1904. The profits from the mill enabled him to buy 400 acres of state school land at Littlerock, WA. He invested in a nearby sawmill, the J.A. Ray Lumber Co. and changed the name to the Salmon Creek Lumber Co. The mill expanded to 35,000 daily board feet and the rail spur became known as “Overton Station.” The timber was exhausted in 1914 and E.E. moved onto Orting, WA. He built a new mill and railroad spur and by 1916 was producing 28,000 board feet per day.
In 1922 E.E. was joined by his son Hubert “Pete” Overton and they purchased timberland in Allyn, WA. No mill was built, instead a logging camp and railroad delivered "whole logs" to the head of the bay. 60,000 board feet, twelve railcar loads a day were rafted from North Bay on Case Inlet to mills in Olympia and Tacoma.
During the 1930's the rail lines were pulled, and the grades converted to roads. They proceeded to log the "corners" that the rails couldn't reach. By the 1940's the land was cut over and replanted for Christmas Tree production.
Hubert's son Peter E. Overton returned from the Navy in 1958 and joined his father on the Tree Farm. Peter ran the Christmas tree yard and land leases. His vision was to convert the Christmas tree fields back to timber production. Over his lifetime he managed up to five different logging sides buying State and private timber sales while his own timber grew. In 1990 he completed the conversion and focused on solely managing his own land. After 50 Plus years Peter retired and transitioned management to his son David E. Overton.
Today, the fourth Generation led by David continues to own and operate E.E. Overton past its 130th anniversary. Our focus remains timberland, natural resources and real estate investment.